
Services Provided

  • Branding
  • Development
  • Web Design


Premium Homes™
Real Estate
Germany / International



MCM Premium Homes is a subsidiary of McMackler that concentrates on the premium and luxury segments of the real estate market. Given the scarcity and unique nature of the offer, their approach is that of a boutique company powered by the cutting-edge AI tech facilitated by their bigger brother. Simply put: they concentrate on quality rather than quantity. It holds true for both the products and the clientele. They approached us to help them with their new identity and a website that would be their main business and communication tool.



A full rebranding and a website were necessary and this is where we came in. We started by researching the very concept of “new luxury” and how it changed in our postindustrial/postmodernist era. It was instrumental for us to understand who are the people we are communicating with and how they see themselves in arguably more transparent and meritocratic social structures of today. What is the way they communicate wealth and relate to their peers as well as their seniors in the same economical bracket?



The data acquired during our research has informed our general approach to communication and the visual language we chose. We have created a reserved yet noble identity that is rooted in both tradition and the future, nobility, and technology. The almost invisible, natural color scheme and functional, well-thought elements contributed to the sense of decency and comfort that are emblematic of a truly premium product. Two classic modernist fonts were chosen as a foundation for a clean yet multifunctional typographic system.

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