Navarra ist ein unabhängiges Designstudio mit Sitz in Berlin, das sich auf Markenstrategie, visuelle Identität und Kommunikation spezialisiert hat. Seit 20 Jahren arbeiten wir mit Kunden von unabhängigen Gründern bis zu etablierten Marken und von kleinen Unternehmen bis zu Konzernen.
Unser ganzheitlicher und humanistischer Ansatz wird durch Zusammenarbeit und Engagement angetrieben und verbindet präzises strategisches Denken mit zielgerichtetem Design.
Das Afterschool Special ist eine Konversation über Design als kulturelle Praxis. Es geht um die Rolle der Kultur in der Gesellschaft und die Rolle des Designs in der Kultur. Modernistische Nostalgie und Postmoderne des Spätkapitalismus.
Wir diskutieren Elemente der Kunstgeschichte, Philosophie und kritischen Theorie. Soziokulturelle Dynamik und woher sie kommt. Unser Ziel ist es, Designstudenten und anderen Interessierten zu helfen, zu verstehen, wie man Design als Werkzeug zur Gestaltung von Umgebungen einsetzt, anstatt es für dekorative Zwecke zu verwenden.
Afterschool Special Vol. 5 Nothing Personal with Jessa Crispin
Jessa Crispin is a writer and editor. She is the author of The Dead Ladies Project, The Creative Tarot, and Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto. She hosts the podcast Public Intellectual and is a columnist for the Guardian US. She can be found at jessacrispin.com.
Back in November 2020 before the election, actually the night before the election, we were joined by Jessa Crispin for the 5th edition of our series. In this episode, Jessa discusses Capitalism as our new religion. And how this came to be. What does it mean for a corporation to be a person? And what is the alternative if after all if we live under late capitalism and everyone’s gotta eat.
Afterschool Special Vol. 4 Orientalism and Identity with Imad Gebrayel
With a body of work combining memory, identity, and decoloniality, Imad Gebrayel looks at design with a critical lens diverging from eurocentric education and artistic trends. While advocating for separating design from the art school, he decided to break away from the predefined academic structures and pursue a PhD in Ethnology after two design degrees.
His field research is centered around negotiations of memory and identifications on Sonnenallee -known as the Arab street of Berlin.
Afterschool Special Vol. 3 Memes as a Mode of Expression and Communication
With a mixed background of literary and media studies, Luke Troynar is interested in new approaches to understanding the way we make meaning and building discourse using various mediums.
His current PhD project involves adapting a ‚pragmasemiotic‘ framework from literary-linguistic disciplines so that it may be applied to internet memes to better understand their semiotic, cultural, and sociopolitical functions.
Afterschool Special Vol. 2 A Conversation with Marick Baars from Modiste Studio
Marick Baars is the founder of Modiste Studio, an interior Architecture & Furniture Studio based in Berlin. They’re known for creating contemporary modernist objects and spaces like Bonanza Coffee in Kreuzberg.
In his talk, Marick discussed the factors designers and architects should account for in their practice to create things that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and sustainable.
Afterschool Special Vol. 1 Design as a Cultural Practice
This talk is part of a series we started called the Afterschool Special to help design students and others interested in the subject understand how to use design as a tool to shape environments as opposed to one used for decorative purposes. With talks given by speakers from the design, anthropology, and architecture scene.
The first talk was given by Kirill Borisov, Creative Director at Navarra.is on Identity in the Age of Late Capitalism.